“Bringing people together through language”
m88 casino Language College is a fully accredited ELICOS Centre and part of the main campus of m88 casino International College.m88 casino Language College is proud of its 25 years of continuous quality endorsement by NEAS, whichis areflection ofthe high-quality programs and teaching on offer. For more information about NEAS and what quality assurance and endorsement means, please visitm88 casino College and NEAS.
HillsLanguage College is staffed by experienced and caring teaching and support staff who have a passionate commitment to their students. Teachers of the General English and High School Preparation Programs are highly qualified, committed and dedicated, making m88 casino Language College an ideal place for English language learning.
It is our aim to equip young people with the necessary language, cultural and social skills to enable them to function confidently in today’s global village.
Accredited Programs:
General EnglishProgram(CRICOS Code: 102561G – 62weeks)
High School Preparation Program(CRICOS Code: 102560H – 50 weeks)
Non-Accredited Programs:
Individual short stay visitor programs
Students who wish to study in the General m88 casino Program or the High School Preparation Program must have an appropriate study visa issued by the Australian Government for the duration of the course. Requirements for the issue of a student visa may vary, depending on the student’s country of origin. Full details can be obtained from education agents, the Australian Embassy, High Commission or Consulate in the student’s country or from the website of the Australian Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs:www.immi.gov.au
An m88 casino language assessmentis essential for all international students, so we can place them in the correct course. This can be done remotely before arrival.
For information about enrolling or m88 casino requirements, please contact the Head of International Programs atvanessa.newbery@m88 casinoqld.edu.au.
Teachers of the General English and High School Preparation Programs are highly qualified, committed and dedicated, making m88 casino Language College an ideal place for English language learning. Teachers hold post-graduate TESOL qualifications and are trained in preparing international students for successful progress after graduating from m88 casino Language College.Support staffare available for students to access if needed.
m88 casino Language College Offers:
- Quality m88 casino Language Programs
- Caring, qualified and dedicated teaching staff
- Entry to mainstream at m88 casino International College
- Safe and friendly environment