m88 sports betting app (PYP)

International Baccalaureate – m88 sports betting app (PYP)

The InternationalBaccalaureate OrganisationPrimary Years Programme (PYP),for children aged 3–12,nurtures and develops young students as caring, active participants in a lifelong journey of learning.Through its inquiry-led, transdisciplinaryframework, the PYP challenges students to think for themselves and take responsibility for their learning as they explore local m88 sports betting app issues and opportunities in real-life contexts.

International Baccalaureate– Mission Statement

“The International Baccalaureate aims m88 sports betting app inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organisation works with schools,governmentsand international organisations m88 sports betting app challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across m88 sports betting app to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.”

IB m88 sports betting app

The aim of all IB Programmes is to develop international-mindedpeople who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship m88 sports betting app planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

As m88 sports betting app Learners, students at HillsCollegestrive to be:

  • Inquirers
  • Knowledgeable
  • Thinkers
  • Communicators
  • Principled
  • Open-Minded
  • Caring
  • Risk-Takers
  • Balanced
  • Reflective
Transdisciplinary Learning

At Hills International College, we ensurethat learning is engaging, relevant,challenging,and significant. This is done through a transdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning that has relevance between, across and beyond subjects and transcends borders that confine them to connecttowhat is real in m88 sports betting app.

TheSixTransdisciplinary Themes form a Programme of Inquiry for each year level from Prep – 6. It allows m88 sports betting app to connect toglobally relevantissues that are relevant to each specific Year Level and Unit of Inquiry. The themes are as follows:

Who We Are:
  • the nature m88 sports betting app self
  • beliefs and values
  • personal, physical, mental, social and spiritual health
  • human relationships including families,friends, communitiesand cultures
  • rights m88 sports betting app
  • what it means m88 sports betting app human
Where We are m88 sports betting app and Time:
An m88 sports betting app;
  • orientation m88 sports betting app and time
  • personal histories,homes and journeys
  • the discoveries,explorations,and migrations of humankind
  • the relationship between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local m88 sports betting app perspectives
m88 sports betting app Express Ourselves:
An m88 sports betting app;
  • m88 sports betting app in which we discover and express ideas
  • feelings, nature, culture,beliefsand values
  • m88 sports betting app in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity
  • our appreciation m88 sports betting app aesthetic
How m88 sports betting app Works:
An m88 sports betting app;
  • m88 sports betting app and its laws
  • the interaction between m88 sports betting app (physical and biological) and human societies
  • how humans use their understanding m88 sports betting app principles
  • the impact m88 sports betting app and technological advances on society and on the environment
m88 sports betting app Organise Ourselves:
An m88 sports betting app;
  • m88 sports betting app human-made systems and communities
  • the structure and function oforganisations
  • societal decision-making
  • economic activities and their impact on humankind m88 sports betting app environment
Sharing m88 sports betting app:
An m88 sports betting app;
  • rights and responsibilities m88 sports betting app struggle to share finite resources with other people and other living things
  • communities m88 sports betting app relationship within and between them
  • access to equal opportunities
  • peace and conflict resolution

Action is at the core of student agency and is integral to the m88 sports betting app. It is student-initiated and can be individual or collective. It is authentic,meaningfuland mindful and can happen any time. The demonstration of action can include:

  • Participation–Being actively involved m88 sports betting app learning community and showing commitment to contributing as individuals and as members of a group.
  • Advocacy–Taking actionindividually or collectively to publicly support m88 sports betting app, environmental or political change.
  • Social Justice–Taking actionfor positive change relating to human rights, equality and equity. Being concerned m88 sports betting app advantages and disadvantages within society, and with social well-being and justice for all.
  • Social Entrepreneurship–Supporting positive social change through responding to the needs of local, national m88 sports betting app communities; applying prior knowledge and skills to identify and address challenges and opportunities in innovative resourceful and sustainableways.
  • Lifestyle Choices–Making positive lifestyle changes in response to learning.
Year 6 Exhibition

The Year 6 Exhibition is an integral part m88 sports betting app Primary YearsProgrammeand forms the culminating learning experience at all PYP schools. It is anenjoyable opportunity for our Year 6 learnerstosynthesiseand apply the essential elements m88 sports betting app PYP,guidingtheir student-led transdisciplinary inquiry into a globally significant issue or topic of their choice. Above all,theExhibition is a wonderfully joyous community celebration of young people’s amazing ability to direct their learning, collaborate and to make a difference to the world around them.It is ourstudents’greatest show!

For moreinformationplease contact -Hills College Deputy m88 sports betting app Primary & m88 sports betting app IB Programs-Stuart Ablitt.

PYP for Parents

2024 Program m88 sports betting app

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STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics) is firmly embedded within our UnitsOfInquiry. Through STEAM, students develop key skills including critical thinking and independent thinking, problem-solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, initiative, analysis and promoting the IB PYP learner profile attributes. STEAM is also facilitated as a co-curricular option, broken into lower and upper Primary stages in our‘Maker SpaceZone’within the Resource Centre and is another opportunity for our students m88 sports betting app creative solutions to real-world and global problems.

Specialist subjects

At Hills, m88 sports betting app have many opportunities to work with specialist teachers to enhance their learning further. These include:

  • Physical Education and Health
  • Music
  • Language (Chinese)
  • Art
  • Digital Technology (Years 5 and 6)

Students alsohave the opportunity toattendthe Resource Centreonce a week. Our librarian works closely m88 sports betting app classroom teacher to ensure an extension of in-class learning, whether that be research-based, STEAM or of literacy focus.